Thursday, 18 October 2012

Unicorn Horn Nail Tutorial

Who doesn't want unicorn horn nails? I love these so much I've been wearing them for three days :-)

I hope you love this tutorial as much as I loved making it :-)

I used Barry M in creamy lilac to do a base coat - one of my favourite colours. I think this tutorial would work just as well with a pale blue or pink, or even navy or black. I've showed the second pic to show how shiny it is, it really looks nice on it's own, I'm already halfway through the bottle!

Matte topcoat is my new favourite thing ever. Look what it does to this shiny lilac! How awesome right? You'll need to use a matte topcoat twice in this tutorial, because you won't get the same effect if you use a regular topcoat over the whole thing and it won't last very long otherwise.

Use a thick, opaque white to draw on unicorn horn shapes. I guess you could use tape for this step, but I find it hard to get the horns centered that way. The simplest method is to get a little paint on the regular brush that it came with, start at the base and drag upwards, lifting the brush as you get the tip of the nail. Try to lift it right off at the end to make a point. You can see above where I have gone back with the lilac to tidy up my horn points.

Once the points are nice and pointy, paint over the whole nail with the matte topcoat again. This should ensure it lasts at least two or three days (unless you happen to be taking pictures of your nails and end up smudging one, booo!)

Cut a strip of cardboard just slightly thinner than the widest point of your horns. Splodge a bit of metallic (gold or silver would look cool!) polish on a plastic surface. Next, take your strip of cardboard and dunk it into the splodge. Make one 'stamp' of the the very end on a bit of tissue to get the excess off, and then use the very end of the cardboard to print tiny lines at an angle going up the horn. I found I only had to reload the card every few nails because I was pressing really lightly. As you get to the top of the horn, tilt the card so you are just using the very corner. Easy!

Done! Cute right? I'd love to know what you think and if you gave this one a bash - don't be afraid to send me a pic, I'll show any pics I get here on my blog with your link :-)

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