Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Now on HelloCotton

Well Christmas has passed. I can't say I'm not relieved, the stress and planning and effect on my waistline seems to have been going on since August. We had a nice day filled with bizarre plastic toys, playing too much Xbox and drinking too much wine.

And I have come out of the other side still alive.

I've also got some stuff down the my blog these past few days, and now my old blog redirects to here. I need to put up some sort of warning sign at to let people know why they are being redirected otherwise they might be a little surprised (plus I think it's bad web etiquette!). One of my main goals for 2013 is to grow this blog into something bigger and better. I'll be sharing more about that over the next few days as we get ready for what is ultimately a better celebration than Christmas for me, New Years Eve!

I've also joined HelloCotton, a community of bloggers that has already doubled the size of my morning blog reading list. I hope you will join me on there? *click here* to have a peek at my page over there. I promise you'll be addicted :-)

Happy Boxing Day!

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