Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Unblocking Bloggers Block

Writers block is a real thing. And it sucks. You might blog, and not think of yourself as a writer. Well, then you are pretty silly because blogging is a kind of independent journalism that gives you the freedom and platform to deliver to the world your most private thoughts. Or your latest nail tutorial. Whatever takes your fancy, there is someone out there who wants to read about it.
So, now that we have established that you are, in fact, A Writer, I would hazard a guess that at some point or other, you haven't known what the hell to write about in your blog.
I've been blogging since...*deep breathe* 2001. All of my mid to late teens and most of my twenties. Reading back over the entries (oh god I hope no one ever, ever reads this stuff. I am desperate to recover my old password because this should not be on the Internet) it's clear that I didn't quite understand the concept of not revealing everything to the entire world. Better judgement comes with age. Apparently.
I've written about relationships, work, feelings, craft tutorials, beauty regimes, my wardrobe, my problems, things I want to buy on the Internet and other blogs that I like. I've ranted for months about crappy exes. I've posted pictures of myself in bed, drinking, smoking, misbehaving, wearing clothes, not wearing very many clothes, my shoes, my house, my craft stuff, my child. I've never really struggled with what to write about or what to take pictures of apart from now.
I have struggled over the last few weeks. 
How To Get Over Writers Block
Write a list of potential blog post ideas. Fill a whole page with ideas. They might be silly "Tuesday Breakfast", "What I would buy if I had a £500 Modcloth voucher", "Why spiders are bad", "Great places to buy sellotape". Or they might be serious. "Why I can't write a sodding blog post" (current potential title for this post), "Why I let my ex boyfriend treat me like crap for 7 years".
So I complied this list that I would like to share with you today of things that I could blog about when I am stuck. Feel free to use one if you are ever as blocked up as me.
What I Wore (to an event, the dentist, where ever)
Things I Want To Buy For My Home/Office/Child/Car/Garden/Hair
Found On Pinterest This Week
November (or whatever month) Round Up (Only really works at the end of the month)
Someone who inspires you. Preferably on the Internet and not your nursery teacher.
Favourite/Family Recipe
Instagram Round Up
Favourite Other Bloggers
Music Of The Moment
Old Holiday Photos
Old Pictures Of You
Something funny that happened to you last week
A piece of creative writing you have on your computer that you've never showed anyone
A video of your beauty regime
A collection that you have
How to...do something that you can do and maybe other people cannot.
These are really generic ideas, This list took me about 5 minutes. Make your own list exactly like it and once you start writing things down, you'll find that more and more ideas pop into your head. At the very least, you will have made some progress.
Then all you have to do is close your eyes and stab your finger at the page. Open them and start writing a blog post about whatever it says. I hope this works for you. It's worked for me :-) I've got a long list of blog posts titles ready to go, with titles as diverse as 'The Cardigan I Have Worn Everyday For Two Months' to 'Classic French Manicure Without Nail Stickers'. So I hope you'll stay tuned for those, and forgive my recent sporadic posting.

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