Wednesday, 6 February 2013

29 Days Of Mum & Boy Photos

I have wanted to complete a photography project for a while. I say complete, because I have started about 20 and not seen them through, but I figure even I can manage 29 days right? I'm 29 on Friday and I had been toying with the idea of doing a 365 project of the last year of my 20's. Then I realised that I have no need or want for 365 pictures of myself, but what I am missing in my life is pictures of me and my special guy.

This is going to pose a few challenges;
  • Roo thinks that making a a lot of silly faces in quick succession is the best thing to do when a camera is pointed at him. It's hard to get him to keep still for long enough for my phone to capture his cheeky face.
  • Sometimes he doesn't want to be photographed at all
  • Most of the time if I am not going anywhere I look reasonably rough
However, I think this little project is just what I need, and I will love having a bunch of photos of me and him. I'll be taking most of the photos with my phone as I have it on my all of the time, and I'll be uploading them daily to instagram using the hashtag #katyandroo. I'll do a weekly roundup here on my blog aswell.

This is going to be fun, I hope you'll follow along with me! At the end of the 29 days I'm going to find a way to print out the photos and have these memories of us to hold in my actual hands, I can't wait!

Katy x

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